News & Topics
Bachelor thesis presentation (2023/02/13)
Bachelor thesis presentation was held.
Students presented their research results for a year.
Master thesis presentation (2023/02/10)
Master thesis presentation was held.
Students presented their research results for two years.
Ph.D. thesis defense presentation (2023/02/07)
Ph.D. thesis defense presentation was held. Ferian Li presented his research results.
Farewell party for Enomoto (2022/09/29)
We had a farewell party for Enomoto.
The commencement ceremony (2022/09/22)
The commencement ceremony has been held.1 student graduated from doctoral programs.
Ph.D. thesis defense presentation (2022/08/01)
Ph.D. thesis defense presentation was held. Kenji Enomoto presented his research results.
MIRU2022 (2022/07/25 – 2022/07/28)
MIRU2022 was held in Himeji.
Li,Enomoto,Asada,Fukui,Narumoto,and Tomigashi made presentations.
New Specially Appointed Assistant Professor (2022/05/01)
A new specially appointed assistant professor, Heng Guo, has joined our lab!
Female Graduate Student Excellent Research Award at Osaka university (2022/04/19)
Lilika Makabe won the Female Graduate Student Excellent Research Award at Osaka university.
New member (2022/04/07)
new B4 (7 people) and B3 (1 person, early assignment) have joined. Welcome to Matsushita Lab.!