
News & Topics

MITOU Program (2018/6/27)

A project by Akihiro Tamada was adopted into 2018 MITOU Program. For more details about MITOU Program, please see the page below.

Softball competition (2018/6/17)

Laboratory to laboratory softball competition was held.
As a result of everyone’s wonderful play, we won second place.

CVIM Research society (2018/05/11)

CVIM Research Society Event was held in Osaka. Three M1 students have participated, among who Iwata and Mizuno were awarded with Excellent Award of the Bachelor Thesis Session.

Welcome Party for B4 (2018/04/06)

New students coming to the lab.

(日本語) 情報科学研究科卒業祝賀・謝恩会(2018/03/22)

Graduate School of Information Science Technology – Graduation Celebration & Thank-you party was held to celebrate the graduation of 6 MSc’s, as well as the graduation and proceeding to Graduate School of 6 Bachelors students.

End year party (2017/12/20)

We had an end year party. We forgot a lot of things thanks to this party.

Welcome party with Jason and Michael (2017/11/21)

We had a welcome party with Jason and Michael. Welcome to Matsushita Laboratory!

ICCV (2017/10/21-29)

Kuga Ryohe and Santo Hiroaki made presentations in ICCV.

Lecture (2017/10/13)

A lecture by Prof. Shmuel Peleg and Prof. Michael Werman was held

Ubiquitous Computing System Research Society’s Awards May 25th 2017

Hiroaki Santo was awarded with Honorable Mention for International Conference Presentation Award. Kohei Kuga was awarded with Honorable Mention for Students of the Research Society Award.
