Matsushita Lab. (HOME)

News & Topics

ECCV (2018/9/8-14)

Santo Hiroaki made presentations in European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV 2018).

Farewell party and welcome party (2018/8/10)

We gave a farewell party for Jason and Murayama and a welcome party for Daniel.
At the end of the party, Jason gave a speech in Japanese.


MIRU (2018/8/5 – 8)

MIRU2018 was held in Sapporo.
Santo, Murakami, Miyauchi and Jason made presentations.
Santo received the MIRU interactive presentation award and Miyauchi received the MIRU student incentive award.

Jason received the Best Presentation Award (2018/7/31)

Jason received the Best Presentation Award at FrontierLab @ Osaka U Final Presentation.

Accepted for ECCV 2018

Our paper (below) got accepted for European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) 2018. [project page]

  • Hiroaki Santo, Michael Waechter, Masaki Samejima, Yusuke Sugano, and Yasuyuki Matsushita: “Light Structure from Pin Motion: Simple and Accurate Point Light Calibration for Physics-based Modeling”, European Conference on Computer Vision (Sep. 2018).

Welcome and Encouragement party (2018/06/15)

We had a welcome and encouragement party for B3 and B4.

We enjoyed talking with new members.

Everyone in B4, do your best to study for graduate school entrance examination

MITOU Program (2018/6/27)

A project by Akihiro Tamada was adopted into 2018 MITOU Program. For more details about MITOU Program, please see the page below.

Softball competition (2018/6/17)

Laboratory to laboratory softball competition was held.
As a result of everyone’s wonderful play, we won second place.

CVIM Research society (2018/05/11)

CVIM Research Society Event was held in Osaka. Three M1 students have participated, among who Iwata and Mizuno were awarded with Excellent Award of the Bachelor Thesis Session.

Welcome Party for B4 (2018/04/06)

New students coming to the lab.

Matsushita Lab. (HOME)